You are looking for a solution to an issue relating to finance/business, specific financial expertise or you are looking to replace one of your employees for an interim period.
Financial interim managers of Corbulo are deployable within 24 hours. They have been screened using various tools and interview techniques, as a result of which their attitude, knowledge, ability and skills are carefully fine-tunde to your expectations. Reliability has our special attention in this regard. In combination with our years of expertise, this guarantees that you will receive the best financial interim manager for your specific situation.

Essentially they are often deployed for optimizing and implementing processes and systems, profit optimization, cost and risk reduction. Typical projects that our interim managers may be deployed for are:

  • Governance, risk, and compliance issues;
  • Working capital optimization;
  • Valuation issues;
  • Corporate finance;
  • Change management;
  • IFRS, Basel & solvency issues;
  • Implementation projects ERP-system;
  • Process improvement;
  • Transfer pricing;
  • Tax advising (in)direct taxes;
  • Operational, EDP-audits of financial audits;
  • Internal and external reporting / annual accounts;
  • Liquidity issues and credit management;
  • SOX, AO/IC, provision of management information.

Our interim managers already have experience with your issue in your industry previously or possess the know-how to reach a solution with you swiftly and effectively. They will not only advise you, but are also responsible for implementation. They are financial sparring partners who exercise their influence up to boardroom level.
Often our interim managers have completed previous assignments for us to our full satisfaction. Interim managers with whom we have a lasting strategic partnership guarantee top quality and efforts.

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t: +31 10 310 07 07