John Bendermacher
Chief Audit Executive

In my position as Chief Audit Executive, first at Robeco and then at SNS REAAL and ABN AMRO, I have been a customer since Corbulo started out. The main reason for this long-term relationship is that Corbulo has a ‘nose’ for good candidates. Quickly after the first intake interview, in which I expressed my preference for a particular type of auditor (pro-active, audacious, wanting to make a difference, etc.), they presented almost only CVs of candidates matching that profile. That really makes the search much easier and gives me good value for money. Even now that we sometimes ask several recruiters for CVs and do so without our logo, it turns out that many of the best candidates come from Corbulo.

Riverbed Technology

Frans Koch
VP Finance & Operations

For a growing, dynamic organisation like Riverbed Technology, it is crucial to be able to respond quickly to new developments in the field of Financial Recruitment. Over the past years, Corbulo has proved that it is able to provide highly professional services for both permanent and temporary positions. Its services were characterised by its personal approach, which resulted in a good understanding of our organisation. As a result, Corbulo was able to provide a shortlist of high-quality and suitable candidates, so that open vacancies could be filled quickly.

Opdrachtgever Leasemaatschappij

Richard Borsboom
CFO a.i.

Interim Management

In his role as CFO, our Interim Professional restructured the financial organisation. 


  • Structured management reports, accurate and quickly available.
  • Examined impairment problems.
  • Interest result greatly improved.