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Auditor (reference number: 18792)

General information talent and executive:

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Our candidate is a 3rd year manager with BIG4 in the international practice. She holds a university level and ACCA. She did audits but has also very good understanding of IFRS and Financial statements as well as group reporting knowledge. At this moment in her career she wants to make the step to the other site of the table and consider all directions. Potential to grow is most important for her and like to get a broad understanding of the business. As a person she is flexible, adaptive, dare to step out of comfort zone, multidisciplinary, multi-cultural, cooperative, she accept differences. What makes her happy in a job is to take challenges. Her dot at horizon is end responsibility of a BU as a financial director. She has a fine business approach. To become a FD she hopes she gets in a position where she ultimately can learn a lot about the organization and can grow towards more strategy involvement in the future years. As a manager she manages now 10 fte. She manages on growth and space, support, development. Internationally she is able to travel up to 50% and fluent in English, moderate Dutch, Russian, Ukrainian and French.

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